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Is Breast Augmentation for You?

Is Breast Augmentation for You?

Breast augmentation, sometimes referred to as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure that enlarges the breasts. There are two types of breast augmentation - breast implants and fat transfer breast augmentation. Both increase your breasts’ size and shape. Breast implants are the most common type of augmentation.

Commonness and satisfaction of breast augmentation

Breast augmentation is a common cosmetic surgery operation. According to the 2020 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, it was in the top five cosmetic surgical procedures in the US in 2020.

Women typically undergo breast augmentation to change the appearance of their breasts to feel more confident and increase self-esteem. For some women, it’s part of rebuilding the breast from various conditions such as breast cancer. Breast conditions and the surgical operations that accompany them have a significant influence on the quality of life. The quality of life is the major goal in most cases.

Women who choose this surgery report high satisfaction overall, but it’s critical to confirm that it’s the correct choice for you. Although breast augmentation is quite popular, it does not follow that it’s the best option for every woman looking to increase her bust size.

Many women are pleased with the outcomes of breast augmentation. Many studies have shown breast augmentation is a highly gratifying procedure for women. Although difficulties, side effects, and unhappiness with results are possible with any cosmetic operation, breast augmentation is safe for most women.

Why have cosmetic surgery on your breast?

Breast augmentation can help you:

  • Improve your appearance if you believe your breasts are too small

  • If one is smaller than the other

  • Make adjustments for size reductions related to pregnancy or weight loss

What occurs during the breast augmentation procedure?

Breast augmentation surgery entails several processes. Here is a breakdown of the steps.

You are given anesthesia

Your surgeon will undertake the procedure while you are under general anesthesia (you will fall asleep).

An incision is made

Breast augmentation can be accomplished in a variety of methods. Your surgeon may do the surgery in the following manner:

  • Through the crease beneath your breast (known as the inframammary fold).

  • On the periphery of your areola (known as the periareolar incision).

  • Through your armpit (known as a transaxillary approach)

Before surgery, your surgeon will discuss these options with you, and together you will select which strategy is the greatest fit for your needs.

Placing the Implant

Your surgeon can install the implant in one of two ways:

  1. In the area under the breast tissue and front of the muscle

  2. In the recess of your pectoral muscle

Two primary factors determine implant location:

  1. The type of breast implants that you select

  2. How much you will enlarge your breasts

The incision to closed

After your surgeon places your implants, they will close the incision site. Additionally, your surgeon may employ drainage tubes. You must adhere to your surgeon’s incision site care guidelines. Your breasts will be bandaged, and you may be discharged wearing a surgical bra.

What occurs following breast augmentation?

Immediately following your breast augmentation surgery, a healthcare practitioner will transport you to a room for observation while you recover. You will be discharged whenever you are stable enough to leave the hospital. This part of the process typically takes around an hour.

Before you depart, your surgeon will provide you with detailed post-operative instructions and schedule a follow-up consultation. If required, your surgeon will write you a prescription for pain medication. If your surgeon has placed drainage tubes, they will inform you when to return to have them removed, as well as when to remove the gauze bandages.

Considerations when choosing breast augmentation

Sagging Breasts - Breast implants do not prevent saggy breasts. To remedy drooping breasts, your plastic surgeon may suggest a breast lift.

Ten Year Average Life Span - Breast implants don’t come with a lifetime warranty, so don’t expect them to last forever. An implant has a ten-year lifespan on average.

Additional surgery as you age - Weight increase or loss may alter the appearance of your breasts as you get older and necessitate further surgery.

Mammograms - Before your operation, you’ll want to get a baseline mammogram to be safe. If you have breast implants, future x-rays of your breasts may be more difficult. You’ll require additional specialist views in addition to normal mammograms.

Insurance - Insurance will not pay for breast implants unless medically essential, like after a mastectomy for breast cancer. Be ready to manage the costs, including any additional procedures or imaging tests that may be required.

Breastfeeding - Breast implants have the potential to make it more difficult to breastfeed. However, breastfeeding is a considerable challenge for most women. After breast augmentation, some women report being unable to nurse effectively.

Breast Implant Removal - If you opt to have your implants removed, you may require further surgery to address any remaining issues once the removal is completed. For your breasts to look their best again, you may require surgery such as a breast lift or another form of reconstruction.

Routine Monitoring - It is recommended to do screening for silicone implant rupture. The FDA advises regular breast MRI screening for silicone breast implant rupture five to six years after insertion. Then, every two to three years, a breast MRI is indicated. Unless you are experiencing symptoms, an ultrasound may be a viable alternative screening approach. Consult your plastic surgeon on the sort of imaging that will be required for routine monitoring of your implants.

Is Breast Augmentation Safe?

Breast augmentation is a personal decision, and you must consider the possible advantages of reaching your goals against the risks and problems of the procedure. That's a decision only you can make.

Breast implants authorized by the FDA undergo thorough testing to ensure their safety and efficacy. The great majority of women who get breast augmentation have no serious complications. However, there are dangers connected with breast implants, including breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). Also, systemic symptoms known as breast implant illness (BII) include tiredness, "brain fog," muscle or joint discomfort, and rash. If a problem occurs, patients should visit a board-certified plastic surgeon immediately to have it addressed.

Schedule Your Breast Augmentation Consultation

Call us at (480) 970-2580 or schedule a visit to our Scottsdale location. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about breast augmentation surgery or non-surgical options. Our phones are reachable throughout regular business hours.


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