Guerra Plastic Surgery Center
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Scottsdale Breast Augmentation Seminar May 17, 2017 Recap

Scottsdale Breast Augmentation Seminar May 17, 2017 Recap

Scottsdale Breast Augmentation Seminar Team
Scottsdale Breast Augmentation Seminar hosted by the Guerra Plastic Surgery Center Team!

Dr. Aldo Guerra presented the popular Scottsdale Breast Augmentation Seminar on May 17, 2017 at Guerra Plastic Surgery Center. It was a beautiful Wednesday afternoon in Arizona where the weather was not too hot and the skies were blue. The presentation started at 6:30 pm which allowed potential breast augmentation patients and their guests time to drive through traffic. Renee Schmidt our highly trained plastic surgery patient coordinator introduced Dr. Aldo. He then went on to discuss his breast augmentation techniques which included a focus on:

  • Breast Augmentation Surgery
  • Breast Sizes
  • Breast Implant Options
  • Breast Incisions
  • Breast Implant Placement
  • Before and After Photos
  • Questions and Answers Section
Breast Augmentation Size
Dr. Aldo Guerra discussing breast augmentation sizes at the Scottsdale Breast Augmentation Seminar on May 17, 2017.

Breast Augmentation Sizing - What is the right size for me?

Dr. Aldo discussed one of the top breast augmentation questions we get at our consultation which is on sizing. Patients that do not have a lot of breast tissue or are flat chested want to increase their breast cup size. Wanting bigger breasts is important for them so at the consultation Dr. Aldo performs a thorough breast exam to determine what is the best fit size for each patient. As you can imagine each patient has different anatomy so each exam that he performs is tailored to each unique person. Even though each woman is different there are chest measurements that can be taken to help guide them to find the best fit breast implants. We created a breast implants sizing section on our website with more details on the many breast implant shapes, sizes and profiles for each implant.

best breast implants in arizona
Best breast implants available for our Arizona patients.

Best Breast Implants available today for Arizona residents.

If you are interested in the best breast implants in Arizona then Dr. Aldo Guerra highly recommends the Mentor line of breast implants. 70% of our patients today choose Silicone round MemoryGel® breast implants which is by far the most popular at Guerra Plastic Surgery Center. 30% of our patients choose the teardrop MemoryShape® breast implants. Very few patients are choosing the Saline breast implants but we still have them available. There are many options available for women today and luckily Dr. Aldo is available to use his experience and expertise to help them choose the best long term breast implant. If you are not sure what breast implant is right for you please call 480-970-2580 or schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Aldo today!

breast augmentation before after
Breast augmentation before and after photo, actual patient.

Over 290,467 Breast Augmentations in 2016 were performed!

Breast augmentation is very popular in the United States. Over 290,467 breast augmentation cases were performed in 2016 courtesy of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and when you include the rest of the procedures it amounted to over $16 billion dollars spent on cosmetic plastic surgery. We recommend all patients to choose a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon for any cosmetic procedure. Hosting these educational breast augmetnation seminars in Scottsdale allows us to give our expertise to the community in a group setting. Patients like the small intimate seminars because they get to meet Dr. Aldo and ask questions throughout the presentation. Since breast augmetnation surgery is so popular the seminar is another way for potential patients to research and do their due diligence before moving forward.

breast augmentation questions
Dr. Aldo Guerra answering questions at the Breast Augmentation Seminar on 5/17/17.

Dr. Aldo Guerra and the rest of the team were on hand to answer a lot of breast augmentation and breast implant questions. During the presentation everyone was able to benefit from all of the questions being asked. For patients that were not able to make it to the Breast Augmentation Seminar we try to hold an educational event a few times a month. You might find a lunch and learn educational seminar during the day in our office or a monthly evening seminar on a range of surgical and non-surgical topics. To learn more about our upcoming events check out our Guerra Plastic Surgery Center blog on our website or sign up to our email newsletter. Hope to see you at one of the future events!

breast augmentation team
Jessenia, Renee and Becca assisting patients at the Scottsdale Breast Augmentation Seminar on 5/17/17.


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